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Outsourcing finance and accounting services is a strate...
Running a small business is tough – every penny matte...
Introduction Artificial intelligence (AI) is changing m...
The travel and hospitality industry faces unprecedented...
Have you ever wondered what separates the high-flyers f...
Finance and accounting operations involve various compl...
Finance and accounting professionals are usually consid...
Fast forward 2020. Imagine you've run out of bread and ...
Card fraud has increased. Here’s what financial insti...
As the world is coming closer with more and more exposu...
The importance of protecting consumer data is growing m...
GDPR stands for General Data Protection Regulation. It ...
To handle the data in large volumes, is the basic need ...
Account outsourcing has a critical role to play in the ...
Though it’s been almost two years, the cyber attack o...
The WannaCry ransomware attack that broke out May 12 at...
With dozens of breaches and millions left violated, 201...
According to a Constellation Research survey, digital d...
The world around you is changing even when you read thi...
Score one for the human brain. In a new study, computer...
The tech industry in America is faced with intense comp...
Users demand quick and easy access to systems and infor...
Data is the lifeblood of the financial industry. Poor s...
Cyber security threats to the financial sector are on t...
This is a valid question. There are so many ranking fac...
Data Science was a term coined by Professor Cleveland i...
One of the most critical errors businesses make is igno...
The security vulnerabilities could not be completely el...
Before we get on with the discussion on the topic, let ...
If you’re a business accepting payments online or oth...
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) in common parlance is ...
Losing data is an issue which has been faced by almost ...
Social media has become a vital ingredient of online bu...
What do your customers say about your company online?
With the introduction of computers and IT-based mechani...
The website of your company is the identity of your bus...
There is hardly any other sector of the global economy ...
Before we get started with this blog, let us take accou...
In most simple context, any service or product which co...
The issue of data security could be considered as one o...
The Big Data phenomenon has taken the corporate world b...
Big data is a term used to denote structured and unstru...
The days when one had to carry hefty documents and fill...
KYC is an acronym for Know Your Customer.
The World Wide Web has grown tremendously over the last...
Who amongst us in the IT sector wouldn’t have heard a...