Securing Big Data: Programming Strategies That Work

Securing Big Data: Programming Strategies That Work

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As the world is coming closer with more and more exposure to digital education and digital information, the need to secure big data has become bread and butter for all kinds of enterprises. Companies having huge database struggle with online threats and need the security upfront. To combat such threats cybersecurity is the topmost priority. So, how do companies secure a large amount of data?

Storage of data is never a problem but to secure it is. There are trusted sources for protecting big data especially when the big data is private or a highly confidential one. But how many companies really know what type of data they need to protect? This has made most of the confidential data easy enough to be accessed by everyone, leaving companies broke.

Securing a small database is doable but big data solutions are tricky. Having loads of files and folders with intricate pieces of information and customer data, breaching the security protocol is the most estimated threat. So, what are big data and its role in an organization? Big data are extremely large data basis on which patterns, trends, and progress for the organization are examined. In other words, big data acts as a mirror to showcase the trends within the organization which helps in making future strategies and changes.

Big data security prevents breaches


With the advancement in the technology, hackers have found new ways to steal the valuable information. So how to protect big data? What is the process of extracting sensitive data and keep it out of the reach of the hackers or other cyber threats?

Following are the stages which can help to fix big data security issues and make process way easier:

1. Taking Control Over Data

The issue most companies face with their database management system is what server contains the sensitive files? For complete protection of sensitive files and folders, companies must scan their database files thoroughly by appointing a team and noting the tracking of what data lies where.

Thorough scans safeguard sensitive data


The other way is to run the files through a program like Hive and Impala which reads and write big data and secure the program with malware as well.

2. Segregating The Sensitive and Non-sensitive Data

Once the data is properly mapped and thoroughly scanned through all the files and folders, comes the next step of segregating these files and folders into categories according to their level of sensitivity. In other words, classifying data secured from the database into categories, like which data is crucial if exposed and which is not.

Not every file gathered from the database needs protection. Some files are super sensitive, containing all the important information, financial documents, and elite customer details, so it requires a high level of security. Whereas some data is left as public, if exposed, cannot hinder the reputation of the company.

3. Assessing The Database

After segregating the sensitive and non-sensitive data, proper protection tools should be applied. In this stage, the data is checked for updates or errors. According to the standards marked in CIS and  DISA STIG, the susceptibility of data is monitored and based on the observation and noting all the changes required, a report is prepared to contain all the details about the database and its level of sensitivity.

Based on the report, proper actions like what type of protection to be applied for data security is decided.

4. Monitoring The Database

At this stage, the data is classified and most important or vulnerable data is secured. To ensure the future security, monitoring on regular basis is required to keep a tab on the security. For best results, proper investigation of logins/ logouts and other activities is performed to look back to the tracks in future, if a threat occurs.

It also helps in maintaining a secure work environment for the employees where their privacy is not at stake.

5. Creating Alerts For Reporting Purposes

After monitoring the classified data and knowing the tracks of activities, companies can create an alert system or protocol, in which only the mentioned files and folders can be accessed. If there is a breach of protocol, an alert will be displayed. This process can help to track down the breach history while reporting.

6. Sharing Insights

Once all the data is carefully monitored and saved, general insights including behavioral patterns either individual or business are created. With training and development, the abnormal data activity is detected and reported.

This requires accessing the data, detecting the change in an activity, alerting the change noticed and reporting for further actions. Establishment of this process is necessary to make sure the abnormal activity is not of higher threat to the organization.

These 6 steps mentioned above, can make the secure culture within the organization and also has the tracking for actions if any unusual data breach or entry is noticed. It is important to have basic data security tools in hand to support the database in order to be safe before the hacking or any type of breach happens.

Proactive steps ensure data security

To set up this system, it may be time-consuming but the results of this system are worth it. Setting up such a system having alerts and reporting in hand will support the future threats and online breaching.

So why wait for the threat to occur, follow these simple steps and secure your data like a pro.

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